
Taking the gloves off

As part of our Fissure press gearing up for our launch of the Fissure DVD yesterday, I’ve been interviewed by a variety of press and news outlets. It’s been fun! I enjoy reading all the reviews, both good and bad.

This morning, I was reading a review from Casanova Shrugged. In Rene’s review, he makes this comment about me:

In a press roundtable interview at Hotel ZaZa last month I asked director Russ Pond what his follow-up project would be and he said that a children’s film was next in consideration. It didn’t surprise me in the least. Children’s films have the highest percentage of return on investment. Of course, making films is a business and you have to sell product to stay in the market, but I half-hoped Russ would have chosen to stay in the thriller genre and try to raise everything up a notch. I think Russ is a talented director and would love to see what he could do if the gloves were off, there were no punches pulled and he attacked a project without the hindrances of investor expectations, ratings, and budgetary concessions… That, I think, would be an amazing film.

I want to take the gloves off that would be fun!

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