
Just finished creating my son’s website

We had a great experience at the San Antonio Film Festival a couple of months ago. This summer (2005), we made a movie, a father/son project. We had so much fun, and the people really enjoyed the film. It’s really a funny piece. In San Antonio, we won the Audience Choice Award, and we were nominated in the top five for the narrative category.

In his own words, he was “famous for a day”.0

You can watch the film here.

What do you want to be when you grow up?


Merry Christmas!

You know, I almost feel dirty for saying that. Christmas has become such a dirty word in a America.

“Don’t say ‘Merry Christmas’ to anyone. You may offend them. Use ‘Happy Holidays!'”

It’s incredible. My wife and I were in Wal Mart the other day, and as we were checking out, my wife told the lady “Merry Christmas”, to which the lady sheepishly replied, “Uhh. Happy Holidays?” with an sense of “Am I saying this correctly?”

Scary. You can’t say “Merry Christmas” without people flinching.

96% of America celebates Christmas, yet we get our hand slapped if we say it.

In New York last week, Jews were passing out pamplets letting people know it was okay to say, “Merry Christmas.” Wow. Leave it to the Jewishs people to bring the Oy! back in Joy!

I have to laugh, though. They tell us to say “Happy Holidays”, yet the word ‘holiday’ comes from the words “holy day”. So, by saying “Happy Holidays!” aren’t you implying that it’s a religious day anyway?

Let’s just cancel Christmas. Arrr!


Changes to the Pond Blog

It’s nice to have my domain up and running with my blog. In the past, I had other plans for It was going to be my production site where I could showcase my work. The problem is that I already have a Business Site to do all of that. So, it was a duplicated effort, and with multiple productions coming every month, it was too difficult to maintain both sites.

Plus, I didn’t show any traffic on the site.

So, I thought–let’s make it a pure blog site. Just a raw blog with pictures and my life. So, here we go.


Measuring Maturity

“Maturity can be measured by the level of uncertainty one can tolerate.”
-Dick Dobbins 1985


Not a Journey

“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but to skid in broadside, used up, worn-out and saying ‘whew, what a ride!'” -unknown