
Doritos Commercial – Where’s your Happy Place?

We finally finished our Doritos 30 second commercial for the Crash the Super Bowl contest.

You can watch the embedded video below, or go to our video on the site to leave comments. (Comments are greatly appreciated, but requires that you register with them.)

Let us know what you think!

I’ve included an HD version of the video since the servers are overloaded right now with last minute entries and uploads.

High-quality, Vimeo version


Shooting a commercial this weekend

We’re shooting a 30-second, spec commercial this weekend for an upcoming contest. If we win, the commercial will air on the Super Bowl. Pretty cool, eh? But, it’s a spec commercial, as in “speculative”, as in “no money”. So, I wanted to let folks know what we’re doing, and if you were interested in helping out, we’d love to have you on board!

There are two key scenes that we’ll be shooting:

  • Scene 1: Pro baseball player getting ready to bat
  • Scene 2: Kid’s birthday party with piñata

Here’s what we need in the way of extras, cast, props and locations:

Scene 1: Baseball Player

Shoot on Saturday, need about 2 hours

  • Extras: 10 or so baseball fans in colorful clothes
  • Cast: Adult pro baseball player (done)
  • Props: Need baseball/softball uniform, batting helmet, gloves, wooden bat, cleats
  • Location: Baseball field, preferably at night (with lights on)

Scene 2: Piñata Party

Shoot on Sunday, need about 3 hours

  • Extras: need 6 to 8 kids ranging from 8 to 12 years old
  • Cast: need one boy (10 to 12) who can play our young baseball player
  • Props: two identical piñatas, some party banners and hats
  • Location: need to find a park
  • Need some kid wranglers to throw actual party for kids in between shots

If you’re interested, send me an email at and let me know how you’d like to help.


Sprint Now Network Commercial – Excellent animation

As a producer, I often take on projects that can be a creative challenge to produce. One of the more challenging projects to produce is one on business statistics.

Admit it–statistics can be boring. Typically, these are done with PowerPoint slides, bar charts, spreadsheets and pie diagrams. Statistics–while important–are often not very engaging.

Until now.

Sprint did a wonderful job using statistics in a fun, flashy, educational and marketing way. This is a great 60 second commercial:


Another rhythmic commercial

Whether it’s a movie, a commercial, a short film, a music video–whatever–a good editing job is rhythmic.  It’s like a song or music.  There is a beat, a pattern, a repetition.  The cuts in a good edit match the rhythm of the music, or sets a rhythm of its own.

Interestingly, I’m starting to see more rhythmic commercials.  Take a look at the Mythbusters promo spot I posted last time.  Very amazing rhythm.  Then again today, I saw a VW Golf commercial.  It too had an amazing rhythm to it as well.  Check it out:

YouTube player

Wonderful world of editing

My family and I are huge fans of the Discovery Channel. Shows like Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs and Smash Labs are often tivoed ad nauseam. The other day while watching one of my Discovery shows, I saw a commercial that was simply a montage of some of the shows on Discovery. The rhythmic nature of the piece was quite amazing. The editing and sound design were sheer brilliance.

Check it out.

YouTube player